Ocasio Cortez Voting Record

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  1. Voting Records Of Citizens
  2. Ocasio Cortez Speech Today
  3. Senate Voting Record
  4. Obama Voting Record
  1. Our staff is currently working remotely. You can contact our team by calling 718-662-5970, Monday-Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM.
  2. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, both members of the Democratic Socialists of America, voted for a bill that includes a record $738 billion for the military.
  3. That means her 93% similarity score with Ocasio-Cortez is below that average. In fact, Mucarsel-Powell votes with Ocasio-Cortez less often than all but six of her 231 Democratic colleagues.
  4. Their Biographies, Issue Positions, Voting Records, Public Statements, Ratings and their Funders. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has provided voters with clear stances on key issues by responding to the 2020 Political Courage Test. What is the Political Courage Test? New York Congressional Election 2020 Political Courage Test.

Trump margin: Trump's share of the vote in the 2016 election minus Clinton's. Trump score: How often a member votes in line with Trump's position. Trump plus-minus: Difference between a member's actual and predicted Trump-support scores.

Harris, Ocasio-Cortez Announce Landmark Legislation to Ensure Green New Deal Lifts Up Every Community


By:Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,Kamala Harris

U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris (D-CA) and U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) on Monday announced the Climate Equity Act, a draft legislative proposal to ensure that the United States government makes communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis the foundation of policy related to climate and the environment, including the policies to build a Green New Deal. To that end, frontline community leaders will have an opportunity to provide feedback on this legislative proposal prior to its formal introduction this fall.

At its core, a Green New Deal must be based on three principles: First, fighting climate change by ending the use of fossil fuels; second, building a clean economy with good jobs of the 21st century, and third, ensuring that no community gets left behind.

The Climate Equity Act is a legislative proposal to achieve that third key principle of justice for frontline communities to guarantee that the policies comprising a future Green New Deal protect the health and economic wellbeing of all Americans for generations to come.

'Frontline communities' are those that have experienced systemic socioeconomic disparities, environmental racism, and other forms of injustice, including low-income communities, indigenous peoples, and communities of color. As the climate crisis continues, these communities and others, including deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, vulnerable elderly populations, unhoused populations, and people with disabilities--and the women, youth, and future generations belonging to these communities--will also bear the brunt of the climate crisis.

'Climate change is an existential threat--it's critical we act now to achieve a cleaner, safer, and healthier future. But it is not enough to simply cut emissions and end our reliance on fossil fuels. We must ensure that communities already contending with unsafe drinking water, toxic air, and lack of economic opportunity are not left behind,' said Harris. 'We need a Green New Deal based in climate and environmental justice, which means building a clean economy that protects communities that have been neglected by policymakers for far too long. I'm proud to work with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez on this comprehensive proposal, and I'm hopeful that it brings a Green New Deal closer to reality.'

'Climate change represents not only the greatest threat to our species, but one of our greatest economic opportunities,' said Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. 'The Climate Equity Act ensures that as we go forward to solve our climate crisis, we are focusing on communities most impacted by the crisis and the transition to renewable energy.'


The Climate Equity Act holds the government accountable to frontline communities when it considers a policy, regulation, or investment with a climate or environmental nexus--which could broadly include direct policies to address the environment and climate change, but also transportation, housing, infrastructure, jobs, workforce development, and more.

Ocasio Cortez Voting Record

Specifically, the legislation will:

Hold Congress Accountable

Require that environmental and climate-related legislation receive an equity score that will transparently estimate the impact on frontline communities.
The equity score will be modeled after the economic scores provided by the Congressional Budget Office, will be developed in consultation with experts and leaders from frontline communities, and will be updated periodically.
Hold the Executive Branch Accountable

Ocasio Cortez Voting Record

Require that environmental and climate-related rules and regulations that have significant impact on frontline communities undergo an additional level of review. This review will aim to mitigate negative impacts, maximize benefits, and bring representatives from frontline communities into the regulatory review process.
Require that environmental and climate-related federal grant-making and investment programs undergo review to ensure that frontline communities benefit.
Give Advocates & Stakeholders a Seat at the Table

Establish an independent Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability to represent the views of frontline communities in rulemaking by bringing those communities into the rulemaking process, conduct research on issues and trends in frontline communities, measure the costs of regulations on frontlines communities, and monitor government compliance.
Establish a new position of Senior Advisor for Climate and Environmental Justice at all relevant agencies to ensure compliance and coordination between the relevant agency and the Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability.
Ensure that representatives of frontline communities are at the table during the review of rules and regulations, providing insights and comments on how to minimize negative impacts and maximize benefits of rules and regulations on frontline communities.
Because the Climate Equity Act aims to establish accountability for justice and equity impacts of federal climate and environmental actions, frontline leaders from the most impacted communities should, and will, have a seat at the table in formulating the CEA itself. Before its formal introduction this fall, advocates from frontline communities and their allies will have an opportunity to provide public feedback on this draft legislation to ensure that together we build the strongest policy possible.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. However, I was scrolling through Twitter this morning, and nearly fell over when I saw a tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that I could thoroughly support. I think the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have sent her over the edge because she put out the exact opposite of the Democrat line on this election:

I am voting early and in person.

Voting Records Of Citizens

Ocasio Cortez Voting Record

The Climate Equity Act holds the government accountable to frontline communities when it considers a policy, regulation, or investment with a climate or environmental nexus--which could broadly include direct policies to address the environment and climate change, but also transportation, housing, infrastructure, jobs, workforce development, and more.

Specifically, the legislation will:

Hold Congress Accountable

Require that environmental and climate-related legislation receive an equity score that will transparently estimate the impact on frontline communities.
The equity score will be modeled after the economic scores provided by the Congressional Budget Office, will be developed in consultation with experts and leaders from frontline communities, and will be updated periodically.
Hold the Executive Branch Accountable

Require that environmental and climate-related rules and regulations that have significant impact on frontline communities undergo an additional level of review. This review will aim to mitigate negative impacts, maximize benefits, and bring representatives from frontline communities into the regulatory review process.
Require that environmental and climate-related federal grant-making and investment programs undergo review to ensure that frontline communities benefit.
Give Advocates & Stakeholders a Seat at the Table

Establish an independent Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability to represent the views of frontline communities in rulemaking by bringing those communities into the rulemaking process, conduct research on issues and trends in frontline communities, measure the costs of regulations on frontlines communities, and monitor government compliance.
Establish a new position of Senior Advisor for Climate and Environmental Justice at all relevant agencies to ensure compliance and coordination between the relevant agency and the Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability.
Ensure that representatives of frontline communities are at the table during the review of rules and regulations, providing insights and comments on how to minimize negative impacts and maximize benefits of rules and regulations on frontline communities.
Because the Climate Equity Act aims to establish accountability for justice and equity impacts of federal climate and environmental actions, frontline leaders from the most impacted communities should, and will, have a seat at the table in formulating the CEA itself. Before its formal introduction this fall, advocates from frontline communities and their allies will have an opportunity to provide public feedback on this draft legislation to ensure that together we build the strongest policy possible.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. However, I was scrolling through Twitter this morning, and nearly fell over when I saw a tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that I could thoroughly support. I think the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have sent her over the edge because she put out the exact opposite of the Democrat line on this election:

I am voting early and in person.

Voting Records Of Citizens

What's your voting plan?

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 20, 2020

As we all know, Democrats have been pushing the need for mail-in voting. To execute their election strategy, which ideally includes ballot harvesting, they depend on people mailing in their vote or handing it to an activist on their porch. Additionally, they have already filed lawsuits to extend the acceptance period for mail-in ballots. This move is despite all of the serious problems with the process we have seen historically and recently.

An election in Paterson, New Jersey, was just overturned because of mail-in voter fraud. In Queens, near AOC's district, one in five voters was disenfranchised in a Democrat primary election. Yet lawsuits in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have seen initial court rulings that election deadlines for the receipt and postmark of mail-in votes should be extended. Novel swing state strategy for sure.

The 20 Best Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Memes

It is expected that all these decisions will be appealed. The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit to stop New Jersey from conducting a full mail-in process, alleging it violates federal election law. The five states that have entirely transitioned to mail-in voting are one thing. States attempting to do it for the first time this cycle have already seen severe problems and have already demonstrated the risk of disenfranchising voters.

However, it seems the Democrats' freak-out over postal service funding may have backfired. Record numbers of voters showed up in person at the polls when early voting started in Fairfax, Virginia. According to reporters on the ground, people were skeptical of the post office handling their ballots correctly. Hopefully, this is a trend.

Massive line of voters in Fairfax, Virginia, on the FIRST DAY of in-person early voting. Some voters say they showed up because they lost faith in USPS to deliver ballots. Officials tell CNN they've never seen anything like this on Day One. pic.twitter.com/uFDSfMINWX

— Marshall Cohen (@MarshallCohen) September 18, 2020

Ocasio Cortez Speech Today

There is nothing more important in November than having the majority of Americans confident in the outcome of the election. In contrast, Democrats and their allies have clearly signaled that they expect the results on election night to change over time. This prediction is a terrible one in a deeply divided electorate. We saw this in California in 2018 when several Republican wins on election night were overturned as ballots were harvested and counted under a new law. The validity of those Democrat wins is still questioned in local districts.

To have that happen at the national level in 2020 would be catastrophic. With a SCOTUS seat that may still be open beyond Election Day, it is even more critical for the country to have confidence in the vote. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez putting the 'vote in person' message out to her 8.6 million followers is a great start. Republicans were already far more likely to indicate they would vote in person. Hopefully, AOC can motivate voters on the other side to do the same.

Queens, N.Y., Primary Gives Us a Preview of the Mayhem Mail-in Voting Could Create in November

The good news is the health experts, including Drs. Fauci and Birx, agree that voting in person can be done safely. And every American who has gone to Walmart or Starbucks since the pandemic began knows this is the case. We can all stand in a line safely and patiently. It is of the utmost importance we do this through the early voting period and right through Election Day.

Educasionpr. Talk to your friends and family. Make sure they know that voters appear to be disenfranchised at a rate of about one in five through mail-in voting. This fact was confirmed in an analysis from 2012-2018 and was also the rate in the Queens, N.Y., primary. In Queens, some voters never received a ballot, and others were thrown out for lack of a postmark or other technical reasons.

Democrats have already warned of 'violence in the streets' through the Transition Integrity Project. Their allies in the media and leading social media have already started to prepare Americans for a drawn-out process. With the death of Justice Ginsburg, calls for violence are increasing in anticipation of a nomination. Post-election chaos would compound this to levels that would shock most Americans.

The best way to prevent this is to have the vast majority of voters showing up in person to the polls. If the septuagenarian Democrat nominee Joe Biden can do it for the Delaware primary, so can 90% of America. Join with AOC and me. Prevent post-election chaos and vote in person.

Senate Voting Record

Editor's Note: Want to support PJ Media so we can continue telling the truth about the 2020 election? Join PJ Media VIP TODAY and use the promo code LAWANDORDER to get 25% off your VIP membership.

Obama Voting Record

Joe Biden Votes In Person, Wrecks the Democrats' ‘We Need Mail-In Voting' Narrative

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